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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Amtelco Insider

R&D Software Monthly Newsletter

Volume 3, Issue 6                                                                              June 2012
Amtelco's R&D Software Department publishes
the Amtelco Insider to keep you up to date on
 new software features and enhancements. Each
month, we will highlight some of the innovations
that have been developed and are available for use.

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NAEO Hosted 3-Day Seminar 
Programming, Leadership & Certification
You do not need to be an NAEO member to attend!  Location: Philadelphia Airport Courtyard Marriott Hotel 

Please click for more information

ANI Call Screening Eases Operator Workloads 
ANI Call Screening allows you to enter up to 1,400 Automatic Number Identification (ANI) numbers into Infinity Supervisor. The numbers can be assigned to accounts set up for special behaviors.
The feature can be used to block unwanted calls.

Read More.

Require Users to Create a Password When Logging into the IS Web
A "PasswordRequired" setting has been added to the web.config file for the IS Web application.

Read More.

IS SMS Reply Handling
The optional IS SMS feature provides the ability to send SMS text messages and to receive SMS text replies. 

Read More.

Undeliver Feature Added to the IS Message Center
The ability to "Undeliver" an IS message has been added to the IS Message Center.

When a Delivered message is selected in the Message Center, the Deliver button changes to an  Undeliver button. Click the Undeliver button to mark the message as "Undelivered." 

Read More.

Building on Success: Max and Murphy


First, there was The Amazing Spiderman comic book. It was followed by an animated Saturday morning cartoon show. That was followed by a string of Hollywood movies.

Amtelco's Leprechaun was much like Spiderman.
The Leprechaun was a small, affordable system developed by AMTELCO in 1982 to help telephone answering services reduce operating costs by concentrating up to 15 phone lines into a single line. The wall-mounted unit was the basis for a line of similar products, including a downsized Little Guy as well as the Mini Concentrator, the Escort, and Max and Murphy.

Inside the Leprechaun lived a two-board sandwich. The bottom board contained the central processor section, the outgoing phone line interface, an RS-232 serial link, and a speech synthesizer. The top board held the telephony ports. Some of the Leprechaun's spin-off products contained both boards and some had only the base board.

With the same user interface as the Leprechaun, the slimmed-down version of the 100-account Little Guy was a well-known product that provided four operator stations. The small Little Guy worked exactly like the big Little Guy with a talk path and a data circuit and with a video terminal for display of account information.

In the Mini Concentrator mode the Leprechaun acted exactly like a 16-account First Level Concentrator (FLC), but with a data circuit and talk path included. The concept behind the product was to provide answering services with an existing Video III with economical tools to provide a higher level of service to their customers.

The Escort member of the Leprechaun clan was envisioned to provide enhanced receptionist services to Executone Tenant Office Complexes. A host of competitive products were targeted at the office suite market in the early 1980's. The Escort was quickly superseded by Max and Murphy.

The Max and Murphy products were designed in the mid-1980's to deliver various types of notifications and to make wake-up calls. Max and Murphy were simple and effective, but they reached the marketplace just as computer technology started revolutionizing the telemessaging industry.

Many of the solutions provided by the Leprechaun family of products addressed needs that are still faced by AMTELCO's customers today, and they paved the way for future AMTELCO products. Today, Pro Show and miReminders dial automated wake-up calls and deliver appointment reminder calls, while RED Alert blasts notifications to hundreds or thousands of people simultaneously.
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